Two women looking at a white board. One woman with marker in hand - planning cause marketing campaign

An Opportunity to Grow Your Corporate Partnerships

Our clients are always looking for continued growth opportunities and tactics to strengthen their corporate partnerships. One such opportunity can be found in cause marketing.

As a specialist in this area, I’ve heard so many different definitions and it is important that internally organizations are clear on what it means.

So, what do I mean when I say you want “cause marketing” partnerships at your organization?

A cause marketing campaign is a mutually beneficial collaboration between a company and your nonprofit that is publicly facing, featuring logo placements, call to action for the consumer or employee, and perhaps even education about your cause.

The specific tactics you can implement as part of a cause marketing campaign include sales-driven ads, point-of-sale requests, and time-limited marketing campaigns among others.

How does this benefit the companies you are working with? It can:

   ✓ boost sales and grow their customer base
   ✓ enhance customer or employee loyalty
    build brand equity

Remember, a minimum investment by the company in your charity is key, and specific requests increase the value.

But are you optimized for cause marketing at your nonprofit?

To do this well, you must have a few things in place to demonstrate that you are the right charity to partner with. That means you must keep an eye on specific data points such as:

   brand recognition
   cause support and loyalty
information on current donors, social media followers, and potential connections
in depth demographic data accessed through specialist organizations like Environics Analytics

Are you successful in “selling” cause marketing to your corporate partners? 

Now that you are optimized for cause marketing, you need to come up with a plan. Cause marketing partnerships do not just happen, you need to be optimized and then strategize.

Selling the to corporate partners is about more than transactions – it’s a partnership that aligns purpose with profit. You need to stand out by:

    crafting clear impact statements
    showcasing the program initiatives
providing case studies

There are many other opportunities you can leverage to create a successful campaign for your organization:

    discuss how you can amplify campaigns together
    share how you can offer marketing/PR support
demonstrate regional impact for widespread impressions and engagement through social media

If you want to create meaningful partnerships and are struggling as to how this can work with your organization, reach out to the BridgeRaise team.

This is an area BridgeRaise excels at! Our team can walk you through how to craft your statements and case studies to show your partners the success of cause marketing campaigns.


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If you have any questions or need a little extra help reach out to me at [email protected].

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