National Volunteer Week (April 24-30, 2022)
As corporate fundraisers, one of our favourite weeks is around the corner. Get READY!
We love this year’s theme for National Volunteer Week – Volunteering is Empathy in Action.
So why are we so jazzed about this week and how does it connect to the work we do?
Because celebrating contributions and expressing gratitude are wonderful ways of connecting with your corporate donors. And, based on the work we’ve done working with (and for) some amazing charities, we also know this is a sweet spot for you!
Not for profit folks tend to be some of the most empathetic, supportive and enthusiastic people we know. You believe in your organization’s purpose and are ready to light up the applause sign when people support you – either through donations or by giving their time and expertise.
We’re surfacing from a tough couple of years, and volunteers have stood by our organizations in any way they could – often despite personal challenges and limitations on doing so in the ways they may have loved – in person, hands on, collaborative.
They’ve showed up, and now you can too! National Volunteer Week is a perfect opportunity to acknowledge corporate volunteerism and give a public shoutout to the companies that support you. And they’ll be grateful you did!
We’ve pulled together resources, tips and tools you could use this week to build relationships with your corporate partners. Here are a sample of some of those suggestions:
~ Check out the downloadables and resources available in Volunteer Canada’s NVW22 Campaign Kit – it includes social media graphics, printable thank you cards and sample messaging.
~ The Balance Small Business offers these Easy and Quick Ways to Thank Donors and Volunteers, and has social media tips too!
~ Ideas for your corporate partners who volunteer:
- Provide a thank you e-card that can be distributed internally to your sponsor’s employees.
- Do some “Throwback Thursday” or “Flashback Friday” posts on social media during Volunteer Week with photos of corporate volunteer groups at your organization.
- Say thanks to your Board of Directors – now is an ideal opportunity to send a personal thank you to each board member – bonus for handwritten from your CEO.
~ Some fun ideas we’ve seen that might provide some inspiration:
- Offering some info sessions or webinars for volunteers as a thank you.
- Great shout out to volunteers across the country from a national organization.
Here is a link to the full list. Just pick one or two that feel easy and good for you to do. It doesn’t take much!
And if there’s anything we can do to help you make your corporate supporters feel appreciated during National Volunteer Week (and beyond!) we’re always here to lend a hand or brainstorm ideas.
Happy Volunteer Week!
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If you have any questions or need a little extra help reach out to me at [email protected].
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