Do you know the ONE thing over everything else that will make a corporate partnership successful?
I know, I know, it’s probably not the one thing you want to hear and there are lots of things that go into successful corporate partnerships, but time and time again, there is ONE thing that really makes them happen and makes them stick. And today I’m going to share it with you. And I’m going to share two examples, one at a bigger shop and one at a smaller shop that demonstrates yet again, the one thing that makes corporate partnerships work.
Quick version: Watch this video or read on to learn what the ONE thing is that will make your corporate Partnership successful. I explain how employee relationships and engagement is critical by sharing two examples: one at a bigger shop and one at a smaller shop. Key is they both demonstrate why employee engagement will make your corporate partnerships work.
I’m Heather Nelson. I’m a Corporate Fundraising Specialist and I focus on raising more money from companies for charities.
And this is the tip you need to listen to. Employee engagement.
Don’t turn it off. Don’t turn it off.
I’m going to try to make it easier for you. But I have to say, time and time again, the relationships that last over time have some form of employee engagement baked in to the partnership.
Now, I have an example of one of my clients recently that moved a charity, a corporate partnership that already had a significant investment to an even bigger investment.
And how did they do that?
They added in a corporate council where the company was the chair of the council. That’s only a few meetings about the program initiative, but it made a difference. It put them in a leadership position. It also connected more people in the company to the program.
The more people at a company that love your charity, the more deeply embedded the corporate partnership is.
That works really well at a big organization, but let’s change over to a small organization, an organization that really challenged by the concept of employee engagement. Especially right now, when clearly there are no in-person meetings, no conferences and none of the things that they would normally use and instead they created a speaker opportunity. A speaker opportunity between a speaker from this company and the organization. And to further deepen the relationship, it wasn’t the primary contact, they got a different contact at the company to do the speaking engagement. This is bound to pay off in dividends.
The one thing you need is to create some form of employee engagement.
Don’t always think big.
Don’t think how can I get 100 people involved? Think about what committees you have. Is there an opportunity for feedback on an event? Can you create a small focus group or a one-off meeting? This strategy works to engage more people at the company in your charity and by doing so you create stickiness with your corporate partnership and that’s what leads to long-term status. Think about it.
If you need to help brainstorm, let’s do that, but make sure you put employee connections and engagement into your corporate partnerships.
That’s the secret to success.
You’ve got this!!
If you still have questions, send me an email: [email protected]. Together we can figure out how to incorporate employees into your corporate partnerships.
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