Women fundraisers celebrating.

Why ‘Happy You Year’? Embracing Connection and Resilience in Fundraising.

As we reflect on the past year and look forward to the next, it’s important to celebrate not just our individual achievements but the power of our connections. ‘Happy You Year’ is more than just a phrase born from a great conference we used to lead—it’s a commitment to building a resilient and supportive fundraising community.

This past year, we’ve been privileged to share in many of our client and colleagues’ best moments. Whether it was celebrating a major corporate partnership, witnessing a friend’s first public presentation, or sharing my own insights at industry conferences, each of these moments was underscored by the strength of the relationships we’ve built.

Connection and Resilience: The Bedrock of Our Success

The connections we foster within our network provide more than just moral support; they offer a foundation of resilience that is critical in navigating the highs and lows of fundraising. This was particularly evident as I encountered numerous fundraisers grappling with burnout. By reaching out and strengthening their networks, these professionals found the support necessary to rejuvenate their passion and persistence in our demanding field.

One of the places that this community really shows up is in the Nonprofit Hive. I encourage all of you to check it out:
Nonprofit Hive | A Collaborative Space for Nonprofit Professionals (thenonprofithive.com)

However, not everyone feels they can reach out. To those feeling isolated, know that building your network isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. Whether it’s discussing strategies to prevent burnout or simply sharing a moment of cheer, the value of community cannot be overstated.

Resources and Conversations for a Resilient Year Ahead

For those looking to bolster their resilience, consider engaging with resources like:

Embracing Ambition – the book in which I have a chapter, and that demonstrates resilient women leadership in action. 

What the Fundraising by Mallory Erickson – by my friend and an incredibly compassionate human who has provided so many strategies to support your mental health and fundraising success. 

As we move into a new year, let’s commit to making it a year of enhanced connections and fortified resilience. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Reach out, engage, and let’s strengthen our community together.

Let’s Connect and Grow Together

I’m always here to chat—whether about fundraising challenges or the lighter sides of life like pets and travel. Let’s make the upcoming year truly a ‘Happy You Year’ for all of us. Reach out anytime!


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